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Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) Workbook

Disaster Preparedness’s Docs Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) Workbook

A conversation guide used by people with disability to tailor emergency preparedness planning to their individual support needs.

This Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) Workbook was co-designed with people with disability.

It outlines four steps to increase emergency preparedness.

It is helpful to think of these steps as a series of planning conversations.
Each step provides information, resources, and guidance to get the emergency preparedness conversation started. Each planning conversation results in self-assessment and actions to increase personal emergency preparedness. People with disability can use this P-CEP Workbook to tailor emergency preparedness planning to their support needs – so they know how they will act together with their support network in an emergency.

Tailoring emergency preparedness to the needs of people with disability can be supported by others who have knowledge, skills, and training in P-CEP planning conversations. Those people may be peer support leaders; community, health, or disability providers; or emergency services personnel.

Peer Support Leaders trained in P-CEP Peer Support have already taken steps to advance their own emergency preparedness plans. These peer leaders can help others to get prepared through peer support and mentoring.

Discussion (1)

  1. The P-CEP workbook is a great resource. There is also the P-CEP Certificate course that USYD runs, which is free, and a great way to learn more about the tool. There are currently also three online communities of practice – two in NSW, and one in WA, called P-CEP Connect. I am the facilitator for the P-CEP Connect Mid-North Coast region in NSW. Even though we are geography based in the name, anyone from across Oz is more than welcome to attend. Happy to share teams link should people be interested.

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