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It’s Up To You For 72 – Project Report

Disaster Preparedness’s Docs It's Up To You For 72 - Project Report


Emergency management services have identified the need for communities and individuals
to be self-sustaining for up to 72 hours following a disaster. Recent disasters have shown
that emergency services are not able to assist everyone, despite the expectation from many
that this will happen. The 72 hour survival message needs to be planned for and understood
by individuals and communities. This vital information needs to be available and accessible
before a disaster to allow for preparation.

The It’s Up To You For 72 project brought together women of different ages to explore what
they know, and what they need to know to prepare for 72 hours following a disaster.
Facilitated workshops were conducted in Rosewhite and Mount Beauty in the Alpine Shire.
Two workshops were held in each location and provided an exchange of knowledge and
skills between younger women and older women, including sharing of social media skills and
an understanding of what is required by a family or individual to be prepared and to manage
without assistance for 72 hours. This knowledge was used to develop a relevant, locally
based resource for use by the participants and their families.

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